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Clan owned by Team player

created 1651020458048

Welcome to 4TRUMP clan Unfortunately, I will no longer be playing Blocktanks. I will try to manage this clan and play when I can. Thank you to all who have supported me and helped to get this team where it is today. God bless. ○ Clan requirements: Account Level: 20+ You have to be active; play at least once or twice a day Main Goals/Achievements -Reach 100th place ✅ - Reach 80th place ✅ -Reach 50th place ✅ -Earn over 5M xp ✅ -Reach 30th place ❌ -Reach top 10 ❌

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Clan Stats

5,313,060 XP Earned

144,292 Kills

83,801 Deaths

22,129 Games Played

Recent Activity

Clan Members (6 Players)

Name XP Kills Deaths KDR
CRUNCHY 143535 4887 4389 1.113
Team player 3522358 73332 29667 2.472
Team player alt 82754 1734 404 4.292
XDGAREN 73406 1630 1592 1.024
BOT_DETH 143982 2313 1141 2.027
ZachPipAttack 63722 1671 1583 1.056

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